Harry Potter Hype
Home | Sean Biggerstaff | Emma Watson | Christian Coulson | Random HP Pix | James and Oliver Phelps | Tom Felton | Daniel Radcliffe | Rupert Grint | Guestbook | Avatars | Wallpapers | Related links | Animations

welcome to my HP site

WELCOME!! This is my Harry Potter site, there is a lot of stuff, like pictures, and wallpapers, and animations. So look around and I hope you like them. By the way, please sign my guestbook, I'd like to know who's been visiting, I keep getting hits, but no-ones signing! I would like to know what you think, and if you think I should add certain things or take them off! well thx, and welcome.


About me.
My name is Melissa, I think I mentioned that. I live in a hick town called Marmora, in Ontario. I am sixteen years old, and am currently in grade 11. I go to Centre Hastings Secondary school, and I hope to go to the Internation Academy of Design and Technology after I graduate. My best friends are Brittany, Amie, and Kattie. well thats enough blabbing on about me, but if your bored and you want to see more kool crap I have another site. click the following link to view.
thanks melissa.

My little corner of the world

Whats new?
I'll add here when I update and tell you whats new, but since this site is new, there is not much to say!
Wenesday Nov 16th:   I added a Daniel Radcliffe plage and Rupert Grint page, also a James and Oliver Phelps page.

Harry Potter